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Durham Soap Company

Meet the Maker - Julie Gillson



What do you do?

I hand-make, in small batches, 100% natural soaps, balms and bath salts.


My products use only the finest ingredients including shea butter, cocoa butter, and pure essential oil. I use botanicals and clays to colour my soaps and all our products are 100% vegetarian, most are vegan. 


Importantly to help protect our environment our packaging is plastic free, recyclable or compostable and we do not use any harmful petrochemicals nor do we use palm oil.

How did you get started?

I wanted to create good quality 100% natural products that were not packaged in plastic.

Is this your full time job?

I also support elderly people in the community

Where do you create?

In a purpose built studio in rural Lanchester

Tea or coffee?

Coffee (milk no sugar 😊)

Where is your favourite local place?

The trig point on top of Humber Hill close to my house amazing views and the most tranquil place to sit and stare !

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